A Boston Tea Party …(Lost Their Way)
I am not a member of a country club. I do not give money to any political party. I do vote Republican. I think for myself. I do not agree with ANYTHING Ted Kennedy says or supports. I do not pander. I do not spin. I believe conservative ideas cannot be compromised. I do not have conference calls with any staffers of the President. I do not follow anyone blindly even the President of my party. I do know this President supports the Senate’s bill on immigration reform. I do know conservatism will suffer because of it. I do way to many of you conservatives continue to go through denial when thinking about this President and many members of the Senate.
Last Friday, Hannity and Limbaugh began demanding that the Republican Party be overhauled, something I have expressed for the last two years. Conservatives must begin to set policy. They have much closer ties to the party than I do. They have personal relationships with those in office in Congress and the Presidency so hearing them demand an overhaul needs to be noted. All conservatives can see through the sham of a bill the Senate has passed. What also needs to be said is the President is perfectly happy with the Senate bill. He would not veto the Senate bill.
The lack of conservative leadership in Washington is stunning and it begins at the top. The two branches that have the longest terms happen to be the branches most removed from the lives of average American people. The members of the House of Representatives face the electorate every two years and therefore are much more responsive. It is those who do not have elections to answer too who turn a deaf ear to those who put them in office. They assume we will all forget.
Immigration reform will not be forgotten if anything resembling the Senate bill passes and is signed by President Bush. It will not be forgotten because it will still be needed. This bill does not reform anything. This bill is full of amendments that water down most of what you have heard from the mainstream media. The reason it is being called “comprehensive” is to disguise the politicians getting what they really want while they window dress the securing of the border. Comprehensive means buying the loyalty of the illegals with social security benefits. The Senate and the President are growing the size of government and making more people dependant upon it.
The House’s plan is the option that needs to be adopted. Members of the House know the pulse of the conservative base. They know securing the border needs to be done before all else. Real conservatives understand this. All those who talk in favor of this bill need to be remembered. If they are elected officials they must not be reelected. If they are pundits they must no longer be given credibility. They all must learn there is only one version of conservatism and it is much, much, much bigger than any one President or Senator. Hot Talk listeners were recently given the chance to voice their displeasure with the President’s version of immigration reform. Very few people emphatically did so. I guess in this area of the country we have more “Senator types” than “Representative types” or they are afraid to walk outside the shadow of the host or the President. They evidently believe as Fred Barnes does that there can be many versions of conservatism. It is those people who have lost their way out of loyalty to a single man. We should instead need to be loyal to principle. It would be nice to hear those types more frequent and more boistrous on Hot Talk.