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University A Conservative Harvest: April 2005

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Every Damn One Of Them)

Can you hear it? Listen closely! Can you hear it? You probably can’t because it is just a whisper for now but this tiny whisper has the potential to turn into a loud scream. What is it?

The minutemen of Arizona have brought the federal unwillingness to close the Mexican border into focus. Their sense of civic responsibility has shown everyone the border with Mexico can be closed. Their success of closing a small portion of the border also has reenergized the outrage over why the federal government has not been willing to do what is necessary to shutdown the illegal flow of aliens into America.

A Senator and a Representative were each asked by Bill O’Reilly why the feds are not stepping up on the issue of border security. Both Congressmen agreed the government is doing no better job than was done pre 9/11. Two reasons were given for the lack of progress. The cheap labor illegal aliens provide businesses and the political fear of upsetting minorities. The Congressmen mutually agreed those two reasons were held in higher regard than was the safety of everyday Americans.

The Congressmen also agreed with O’Reilly that should a terrorist attack be traced back to the terrorists passing through the Mexican border, the failure to secure the border should be considered an impeachable offense. An impeachable offense? Really? Who should be impeached? The President? The Senators? The Representatives? Every damn one of them! If you’re a politician or a lobbyist who placed your political welfare above the safety of Americans not only should you be impeached but you should also be jailed.

O’Reilly mentioned a website where people who want the border closed can give their signature. The website is He is expecting a few million signatures. I ask those who will hold ALL federal politicians responsible to leave their name in the comments. Please tell your friends to also leave their names. Let Washington know we won’t accept their current indifference to this problem. If we scream loudly enough they will hear it or face the consequences.

Monday, April 25, 2005

A Boston Tea Party…(Political Camouflage)

You have reached the pinnacle of your career. The American Bar Association and the President of the United States both agree that your superior qualifications allow you to be nominated for a federal district judge seat. The Senate judicial committee begins to research your judicial resume. It is during this process where a major problem is found. Certain members realize you are a person with a deep religious faith. Though the members give other reasons for not supporting you, it is most certainly because of this faith that your nomination will not succeed.

This is the path the Democrats have chosen. They will not tolerate anyone with a strong faith to become a federal judge. Democrats will argue that faith has nothing to do with it. I would agree as long as the person is hypocritical in his/her faith like a John Kerry is. Yes, someone who claims to be a strong catholic but supports abortion rights. Democrats whole-heartedly support that type of faithful person. It is because a nominee with strong personal convictions of faith may come down on the wrong side of decisions like gay marriage and abortion rights that the left cannot support them. The nominee might be the most qualified judge in the land but if he/she hints at being conservative in his/her beliefs, well, he/she is deemed not fit to be a federal district judge.

What is most pathetic is how the Democrats are hiding behind the filibuster rather than voting NO on an up or down vote. There are many Democratic Senators from Bush states who would pay a hefty price by voting no. The filibuster is providing them political camouflage. In my eyes this smells of some type of discrimination. I have a feeling if these nominees were atheists there would be no problem with them. It is very easy to envision no true Catholics or Evangelicals will be allowed to serve on the federal bench. Only in the illogical mind of a Democrat can the freedom to worship be held against you. In a Democrat’s mind it may be o.k. too worship but only to a point and if you go past that point don't count on being a federal judge.

Friday, April 22, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Bracelets and Databases)

I have not heard much news today. Has another young girl been abused and killed by a sexual predator? Has anyone checked the Florida news blotters? I wrote about this a few weeks ago how as current parents we have failed our children miserably because we cannot keep them safe.

Maybe people are beginning to get outraged from hearing every night about another abduction. The heat is beginning to hit the nightly news shows as it did Wednesday evening on Scarborough Country. The jist of the discussion was that America needs to do what is ever required to keep its children safe. Two debated ideas are the use of ankle bracelets on first time child molesters and a national database for sexual predators. My thoughts?

It is hard work to be a parent in today’s world. We are allowing children to grow up at a hurried pace. Responsible parents work hard at teaching their children what is right and what is wrong. They tell them of the dangers of drinking, drugs, and cigarettes. Both parents usually are working and are not able to spend as much time with their children as they wish they could to protect them. I would say much of this is due to the large amount of taxes that must be paid but that is for another article. The point is that parents have their hands full raising children.

The last thing we as parents need to worry about or need to have to do each day is check some damn database to see if a sexual predator has moved into our neighborhood. Keep the assholes in jail. Comitt a sexual crime with a child and your in forever. We should build a place where all predators from the entire country spend the rest of their lives. But God help me do not allow them out of jail and to enter back into the community. It is reported that a sexual predator commits 80 abuses before he is caught. So when he finally is arrested, it is on his 81st instance of sexual abuse of a child. Throw the key away. It is our elected officials responsibility to keep our kids safe. Damn them for putting the liberties of the criminal over the safety of a child. Nothing should matter more.

Bracelets and databases are not the answer. I should not have to have the responsibility of monitoring these criminals. Rather than placing responsibility on the criminal justice system we choose instead to place the accountability on the parents. I have heard more than one commentator say parents need to be proactive and know who is moving into their neighborhoods. Kiss my ass. If our elected officials refuse to do WHATEVER is required to keep these men apart from our communities then this country has lost its priorities. These men do not rehabilitate themselves and if you believe they can, well, the lives of dead children are on your shoulders. Enough is enough………..let parents parent and let these criminals burn in hell.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

What Are You Thinking …(Closet Catholics)

A new Pope has been chosen. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI. He was a popular choice among the 116 Cardinals voting but does not seem to be very popular for some Catholics and most non-Catholics. Cable news channels were filled with non-Catholic guests voicing their opinion’s on the new Pope last night. Allow me a brief non-Christian rant on their opposition and dismay to the new Pope.

Again, I must state that I am a Catholic. I am not the greatest Catholic but non-the less I am a Catholic. As a Catholic, I really don’t have to listen to what a non-Catholic’s thoughts are about recommendations on what a Catholic Pope should do. I don’t understand why these folks are even asked to be guests discussing the selection of a Pope. I do not go around making statements about who is in charge of the Protestants or Baptists or Evangelicals. I could care less. I realize the Catholic Church with over one billion people has a great affect on the world but I am not interested in listening to a non-Catholic telling me what my church should do to become more liberal.

Religion by definition should be very conservative. Pope Benedict XVI views on gay marriage and women in the priesthood are as they should be. Every town is filled with different churches. There are as many different churches as there are restaurants. If you don’t like what is on the menu go order from a different one. If you can’t handle the one you’re a part of, well then, find a different one but don’t expect the church to change to satisfy your views. I do not agree with all Catholic stances but at least as a CATHOLIC my opinion is valid.

With so many “outsiders” so anxious to state their recommendations to the new Pope, I wonder if maybe they are “closet Catholics”. Maybe deep down they are just a bunch of wannabes. Maybe deep in their hearts they wish they were actually followers of the Pope. If that is in fact true, I welcome them into the church. If not, KEEP YOUR OPINION TO YOURSELF, WHAT THE NEW POPE’S VIEWS ARE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!

Friday, April 15, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Going Nuclear)

I have been a big fan of John McCain for a number of years. During the Republican primary for the Presidential election of 2000 I was pulling for McCain to get the nomination over George Bush. I have enjoyed his willingness to not always drink the Republican kool-aid and his eagerness to speak out against excessive government spending. Although I agree with him on many issues, his most recent maverick stance on the filibustering of judicial nominees has me upset.

McCain is siding with Democrats and against his own party on the use of the filibuster to prevent an up and down vote on President Bush’s judicial nominees. Republicans are hinting on using a “nuclear option” that would require only 51 votes for approval of nominees. McCain does not think such an option should be used because the atmosphere in the Senate will be poisoned with such a rule change. Well, guess what? It is already poisoned. Partisonship is here to stay, forever. Policitians reminisce about the days when both parties worked together to solve the countries problems. Those days are gone, they will never return. Politics is about power and only one party can have it and will do whatever it can to keep it. Democrats have been obstructionists for the entire Bush Presidency. Since they are unable to win an election Democrats will do whatever is necessary to prevent Republicans from any legislative wins.

A major part of the past election and the elections of the future is that the President will be able to nominate judges. As big an issue as morals such as gay marriage had in the last election, I would suggest many people voted for Bush for the simple fact that he would nominate judges that would stop such activism. Democrats want to continue that activism and are using the filibuster as the tool. It is very clear that Democrats will not consider any judge that potentially could reverse Roe v Wade. If a nominee does not pass the abortion smell test regardless of how qualified he/she is, he/she will not be brought up for a vote. Using the filibuster allows Democrats from putting a face on the Senators who do not support Bush’s judicial candidates very much lessening the political risk for doing so.

Republicans should see if the Democrats are willing to risk shutting down the Senate by going nuclear. McCain saw up close how poisoned politics has become during the primary in South Carolina in 2000. It is so poisoned and so partisan that he is given the nickname “maverick” for the simple fact that he is not always partisan meaning anyone who isn’t partisan is extremely unusual. The worst thing that can happen from the nuclear option is just the status quo even the maverick McCain should be able to see that.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Live Radio Posted by Hello

Cry OF The Loon …(Applaud the Generosity)

“I’ll pay more……….raise my taxes…….I don’t mind” declared the loon from Fargo on his show yesterday. He made this remark after hearing that Congress did not pass an amendment asking for an additional $2 billion for veterans. Ed also stated that anyone who has a bumper sticker on their car declaring their support for the troops is a fraud. It should be obvious to anyone that is now familiar with how Ed’s show works that logic will never be part of it. We are all familiar with the phrase “out of the mouth of babes”, well in Ed’s case it would be “out of the mouth of a moron”. Let me poke a few holes in his idiotic statements from yesterday by speaking to him directly.

I am curious Ed, do you have a limit on how much tax you will pay? Where is that limit? 30%? 40%? 50%? 65%? 75%? Or should the feds just take your entire paycheck? If your so willing to pay more taxes, why not just have you and your socialist buddies write checks to the federal government as if you were writing them to a charity? I noticed Ed that nowhere in your statements from yesterday did you once mention any possible federal programs that you might cut as an option other than raising taxes. This doesn’t surprise me, as I am sure you believe all federal programs are tenured. Once a program is established never should it be removed? Trillions of dollars are spent by the feds and you say raise my taxes, I don’t mind. I think you need your mind checked. You can’t really be that stupid, can you? Oops I forgot……..I know you……..yes you are that stupid.

Your statement on the people who declare themselves to be supporting the troops with bumper stickers being frauds is also outrageous and without merit. It is easy to see that in your little mind support equals money. Support equals tax money. Tax money solves all problems. No mention about using the tax dollars more wisely and effectively. The people with bumper stickers are not frauds. Making that statement makes me think of another famous phrase “the pot calling the kettle black”.

To the readers of this article I say we applaud the generosity of this moron. We anxiously await Ed declaring how much tax he is willing to pay. It is only right that he should tell us the limit to what he will pay. Maybe his fellow socialists will match the check Ed is willing to write. I for one would never want to prevent someone who wants to pay more taxes from doing so voluntarily. After all this is America, donations are to be celebrated.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

What Are You Thinking …(American Style)

I am a catholic. Do I know all I should know about my religion? Most definitely not. I do however believe that being catholic is nothing to be ashamed of. I would say I am just a normal Catholic. As a catholic I am proud of what Pope John Paul II has accomplished and am saddened by his death. Millions of people have made the journey to the Vatican to pay their respects to him. Others are anxious for the opportunity his death represents.

It is being said that American Catholics liked the man but did not like what he stood for. Polls show that these same Americans want the Catholic Church to liberalize many of its policies. From female priests to abortion to contraception to priests being able to marry, many Americans are not in agreement with Catholic doctrine. They did not appreciate Pope John Paul II’s autocritic view. They wanted the laity to share in a dialogue with the Pope where he would adjust Catholic canon law to represent a more modern Church. Am I surprised? No! Do I agree with them? No!

Americans want to shape the Catholic Church with American style. They want it quick, easy, and non-judgmental. They find it so much easier to live as Catholics Lite. The liberals of the Church cannot handle that certain parts of their lives do not represent true Catholic beliefs. Better to reshape the Church than to reshape themselves. Everyone should get participation ribbons and “go to heaven free cards”.

The Pope is a direct Apostle of Jesus. He instructs us how to live. He knows what is best for mankind. Should all of us find it easy to live that way? Of course not. Do I agree with everything he says? Of course not. But I am smart enough to know it is I that has to change not the Church. The Catholic Church should not change to make it easier for me. Living a holy life is difficult and it is a certainty that many of us will fail. Americans are to spoiled to fail at anything and prefer to change the rules so they will always finish first.

The Pope is the Pope for all the Catholics in the world not just American Catholics. Even though America is the lone superpower in the world, American Catholics are only a part of the billion Catholics on earth. While Catholics around the world accept the Pope’s word as absolute, American Catholics do not. With each demand for change in the Catholic religion we take what it is to be a Catholic out of it. If we continue eventually going to Church will be no different than going to the shopping mall. People certainly dress like they are going to the mall when they go to church.

Liberalizing the Church is the complete wrong direction. I would argue that it is the liberalization of many of the seminaries that caused the abuses of children by priests over the last 30 years. Allowing gay men to become priests was a problem created by American Catholics bent on reshaping the Church. I for one hope the next Pope continues the theology Pope John Paul II held Catholics too. I understand what John Paul taught us. He called everyone to a higher standard of life. It just so happens many American Catholics think they are living that life and if you tell them they aren’t, they argue for a more modern Church. Two thousand years of Catholic history be damned. Americans prefer to mix their culture with religion. Lets hope the next Pope does not and remains as consistent as Pope John Paul II was.

Coattails Posted by Hello

Friday, April 01, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Who’s Your Daddy)

The 11th Circuit Court Judge Stanley F. Birch Jr. on Wednesday said, “When the fervor of political passions moves the Executive and Legislative branches to act in ways inimical to basic constitutional principles, it is the duty of the judiciary to intervene. If sacrifices to the independence of the judiciary are permitted today, precedent is established for the constitutional transgressions of tomorrow.” This statement is from a judge feeling the heat.

The 2006 mid-term elections need to be framed around the activist judges of today. The arrogance from which judges involve their personal beliefs into rulings has spun out of control. It seems many of them have adopted Justice Thurgood Marshall’s philosophy of a justice needs to do what is right and let the law catch up. Judicial decisions which include personal attitudes and beliefs create an extreme tilting away from the traditional constitution. What will happen is what we see now; the will of the people is circumvented by the extreme power of the judge. Judges are so out of control that they are beginning to talk about bringing foreign court decisions into American law. I may be wrong but should not Americans decide American law and not some foreign country?

Republicans need to bring this problem to the voting public. It will take political will and a constant reminder that judges have strayed from the powers given to them by the constitution. Democrats realize that the judiciary is there final frontier and won’t give up any ground. If Republicans pull back from this issue then we might as well ask for a judge’s permission before any law is enacted. It is as if the judicial branch is reminding us of “who’s your daddy”. We have fallen under a spell that the judiciary is always right and has the final word. We have accepted that the judiciary checks the powers of the executive and legislative branches without anyone checking them. We have forgotten that the judicial branch also can be kept in balance. The left prefers it this way but America will be better off if the people have the final word and not a judge. Republicans need to re-educate the public before it is to late. Let's hope they continue turning up the heat to the n'th degree.