A Boston Tea Party …(North Dakota Logic)
A Presidential visit is planned for Fargo this Thursday. Any city that gets a visit from the President of the United States should be excited. This trip is being made for all the wrong reasons. North Dakota is one of a few states that overwhelmingly supported George Bush but also supported Democratic Congressmen. The upcoming Presidential visit brings the stupidity of such a choice into the national spot light.
In the 2004 election George Bush received 63 percent of the vote in North Dakota. Senator Byron Dorgan was re-elected with 68 percent of the vote. It is obvious there was some cross party voting going on. It is my belief that one should decide whom they want to vote for President and then also vote for Congressmen that will support his agenda. It is because of the lack of North Dakota residents voting in this manner that the trip to Fargo is being scheduled. The President who carried the state of North Dakota is trying to create reforms in the Social Security system. The Congressmen who continually win elections in North Dakota stand in the way of said reforms. The moronic way in which some people vote in North Dakota has created difficulty for the President these same people support.
Will these people understand the contradiction they so willingly created? On Thursday as an arena in Fargo is filled to capacity there will be many who attend that voted to create this political logjam. I would suggest they should not be allowed to attend because had they voted in an educated, thoughtful manner there would be no need for the President to come to Fargo. A company does not hire one-half of its employees that believe in the company’s goals and the other one-half that don’t. You don’t expect your favorite team to play a game without the required number of players. Either you support the man you voted for President or you don’t. Using North Dakota logic, many prefer the President they support to be handcuffed politically. As they cheer loudly for their President on Thursday these same fools will fail to see the irony of his visit. Good ‘ol North Dakota logic in many ways can resemble an Ole and Lena joke. I have a hunch the President doesn’t think it is all that funny.