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University A Conservative Harvest: January 2005

Sunday, January 30, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(North Dakota Logic)

A Presidential visit is planned for Fargo this Thursday. Any city that gets a visit from the President of the United States should be excited. This trip is being made for all the wrong reasons. North Dakota is one of a few states that overwhelmingly supported George Bush but also supported Democratic Congressmen. The upcoming Presidential visit brings the stupidity of such a choice into the national spot light.

In the 2004 election George Bush received 63 percent of the vote in North Dakota. Senator Byron Dorgan was re-elected with 68 percent of the vote. It is obvious there was some cross party voting going on. It is my belief that one should decide whom they want to vote for President and then also vote for Congressmen that will support his agenda. It is because of the lack of North Dakota residents voting in this manner that the trip to Fargo is being scheduled. The President who carried the state of North Dakota is trying to create reforms in the Social Security system. The Congressmen who continually win elections in North Dakota stand in the way of said reforms. The moronic way in which some people vote in North Dakota has created difficulty for the President these same people support.

Will these people understand the contradiction they so willingly created? On Thursday as an arena in Fargo is filled to capacity there will be many who attend that voted to create this political logjam. I would suggest they should not be allowed to attend because had they voted in an educated, thoughtful manner there would be no need for the President to come to Fargo. A company does not hire one-half of its employees that believe in the company’s goals and the other one-half that don’t. You don’t expect your favorite team to play a game without the required number of players. Either you support the man you voted for President or you don’t. Using North Dakota logic, many prefer the President they support to be handcuffed politically. As they cheer loudly for their President on Thursday these same fools will fail to see the irony of his visit. Good ‘ol North Dakota logic in many ways can resemble an Ole and Lena joke. I have a hunch the President doesn’t think it is all that funny.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(The End of a Dinosaur)

Millions of years ago dinosaurs ruled the earth. Changes to the earth eventually took place and dinosaurs became extinct. A political dinosaur is inching closer to extinction but not without a fight. The political winds of change are pushing Social Security, as we have known it for the last 60 years to extermination. Democrats are going to do what ever is necessary to hang on to this out-dated relic. There are two main reasons why Democrats hope to stop the President from reforming Social Security.

In politics it is almost always the case that a politician will come down on the side of a vote that offers him the most political capital. When politicians vote they often place their political futures ahead of what is best for the country. This should be obvious to everyone. If you believe this then one must look at the motivation for a certain political stance a politician is taking. If you understand what our Congressmen do with Social Security funds their motivation becomes undeniable. Today Social Security receipts are greater than disbursements, as has been the case over the last 60 years. This extra cash is not sitting in a vault somewhere but has instead been used to fund the exorbitant amount of entitlements Congress has doled out in order to guarantee reelection. If Americans are allowed to redirect some of that money to closely regulated private accounts, as President Bush has proposed, less money will be available for Congress to spend. Less entitlement programs mean riskier reelection chances. Congress would then be forced to raise taxes to keep entitlements at current levels or would have to cut spending, again politically risky alternatives.

The same argument can be made for the transition costs of changing to private accounts. To pay for the transition Congressmen are going to have to face the difficult choice between raising taxes or cutting spending. Either choice is bound to piss-off some constituency. Speaking of constituencies, senior citizens are the bread and butter of the Democratic Party. If the problems of Social Security were suddenly solved the Democrats would lose part of their base voters. They no longer would be able to scare senior citizens into voting for them. If they are not voting Democratic then logic says they vote Republican. It is then understandable why Democrats will be screaming and scheming all throughout the Social Security debate to prevent reforms from taking place.

I find if funny when I hear that why would we want to mess with a law that has done so much good for so many people over time. I am reminded of a story I was told when visiting Hoover Dam recently. Hoover Dam is 30 miles outside of Las Vegas yet provides Las Vegas with only 1% of its electricity. Why? Well, in the 1930’s the mayor of Las Vegas was asked to sign a contract that locked in the amount of electricity he wanted from the newly constructed dam. He said Las Vegas would never grow larger than it was at that time and therefore only required enough electricity to support 6,000 people. He could not predict the future and there is no way the politicians that wrote the Social Security law could predict the baby boom nor that families of today would consist of 1.7 people. Simple math dictates that changes must be made to the system. It is time to bring the Social Security system into the 21st century. There is no reason this dinosaur should live any longer.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

What Are You Thinking ...(Dr. Huxtable)

Bill Cosby is speaking to America. Specifically, he is talking to black America. He is lecturing black parents and children about not making better choices. He is telling parents to straighten up their own house. He says, “Straighten up your child.” In doing this he is being criticized by some in the black community for airing back peoples dirty laundry.

Cosby is scolding blacks for allowing their children to place a higher value on clothes, shoes and music rather than and education and speaking proper English. Again, he wants to know why black parents have allowed their children to fail. He does this by not mincing words. He said, “These people are not parenting.” Finally, someone is setting aside all the politically correct B.S. and telling it like it is.

Cosby is known for playing the character Dr. Cliff Huxtable on “The Cosby Show”. The show was much different than what we see nowadays on TV. It was a show where the parents were actually brighter than the children and actually taught their kids rather than the other way around. He remembers a time when children were not brought up to feel comfortable enough to call their parents stupid. Today it happens all houses regardless of race. Kids are masters of their domain.

It is not just black children that have lacked parenting. White children may have more money and attend better schools but they too lack the necessary discipline and direction that Dr. Huxtable provided his kids. I don’t think Dr. Huxtable would have his children walking around with cell phones, dressing with a lack of respect, using drugs or alcohol, staying out past a decent hour or having sex in junior high school. All you have to do is watch the television show "Super Nanny" to see how far parenting has fallen. The problems are different but it would be a pleasure to hear Mr. Cosby speak not just to “his kind” but also to “all kinds”. Many of todays parents could use a refresher course on parenting.

Friday, January 21, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(They Hope They Are Wrong)

We have all heard the Democrats shout “It’s the wrong war at the wrong time”. These same people say they support the troops but feel it is an unjust war. Even though the war will take many years they are positive results in Iraq will end up in defeat. They also want you to know that "they hope they are wrong".

Bull----! If Iraq becomes a democratic state in the Middle East because of the bold stance George Bush decided to take, Democrats will suffer. There will be no election wins for Democrats well into the future if things turn out positive. It is for this reason that “they hope they are wrong” is a bold faced lie. It is a wonderful way to sound patriotic but hope for the worst. They can use the argument I told you so if things go badly or say they are so happy that things worked out in the favor of the United States.

Not for a minute do I believe they want us to win in Iraq. Washington and politics is about being in power. Winning elections is all that matters. What is best for the country many times is sacrificed for policy of what will win the next election. If things go terribly in Iraq, Bush and Republicans will be blamed and Democrats will be rewarded. Democrats will not be rewarded if Democracy takes hold in Iraq and for that reason each day they hope for more and more death and terrorism. Oh, they will tell you they don’t but that is just an act. Defeat in Iraq gives them a fighting chance to regain the Presidency. Don’t think for an instant that Democrats “hope they are wrong” because it would seal there future as the minority party.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Forty Million Favors)

It sure is hard to throw a decent party these days. The last party I went too was a surprise birthday party for someone turning 40. Everyone brought a little something, shared some drinks, and laughs. If you want to do this in Washington it will cost you $40 million. Most kool-aid drinking Republicans see no problem with the price tag for the inauguration party. Why, because the money is privately donated.

In what way do these Washington types differ from those in Hollywood? They certainly don’t when it comes to throwing a bash. The words over-done, outrageous, and elite come to my mind. Can anyone explain to me why a party of $3 - $5 million would not provide a good enough time? For Christ’s sake it is $40 million we are talking about. For a party. Each day we inch closer to ending society, as we know it. Reason has gone out the window. Again, I know what you will say………it is private money.

There is no such thing as private money in Washington. Influence and favors are sold for money whether it is election contributions or inauguration parties. INFLUENCE AND FAVORS. It absolutely freaks me out how we American citizens sit back and allow this type of stuff to happen. I would imagine that in 2009 the party will then cost $60-$70 million. If someone donates money to someone in Washington then they are hoping to get something in return. I get it……….I just wish the rest of you did. The elite choose to party and we just bend over and take it in the A$$.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

What Are You Thinking …(A Minnesota State of Mind)

Two things that I am very passionate about are politics and sports. If you read these opinions you can tell that I am very much a conservative. The other passion I have is Minnesota sports teams. The Vikings, Twins and Timberwolves are teams I follow religiously. There may be some that are as big a sports fan as I am and that may know as much as I do about sports. I have listened or watched at least 90% of all Twins games for the last 20 years or more. I listen or view nearly every Timberwolves game played. For as long as I remember I have watched or listened to every Viking game. So maybe there are others that have done the same but very few would have viewed or listened to more. I expect a lot from each team. If they compete like champions the get commended and if they play like dogs they get criticized. If they lose I watch or listen and if they win I watch or listen. I say this because of what I am going to say about Minnesota residents and there allegiance to there sports teams. There are three issues I want to give my opinion on: 1) Randy Moss; 2) being a true fan; and 3) the sympathetic Minnesota public.

Any person with integrity, any person with children, any person with common sense that goes beyond football victories will condemn Randy Moss as a person. A person with integrity will feel the same way about Randy Moss whether the Vikings win or lose. The people of "Minnesota nice" will not allow their Viking cheerleaders to show too much cleavage but they will accept a grown man embarrassing them to the entire nation. Why, because he catches touchdowns. Randy Moss is the people of Minnesota’s Terrell Owens. He is selfish, in the game entirely for his own, and embarrassing. If he were on another team the people of Minnesota would vilify him; but he catches touchdowns so they will make any excuse they can think of to support him. Is it a wonder these people vote Democrat? Randy Moss or Bill Clinton? If they are on your side you will sell your personal integrity to support them. In my eyes they are both pathetic human beings the only difference is one is educated and the other is not.

Mike Tice and the Vikings won a game last week because their fans didn’t support them. They played hard because they wanted to prove people wrong. Both coach and players have told us this. We have also been told that some people are very negative and should only write positive things about the team. Only in the "Minnesota state of mind" will people swallow this garbage. One win and the same people who wanted the coach fired and players sent packing are now happy content supporters. Under achievers, please don’t be so hard on us we are told. An 8-8 record, two consecutive seasons of collapse but please don’t be negative. In a "Minnesota state of mind" you beat the hated Packers and we will forget the pathetic losses to the Bears, Redskins, Giants and a lucky win against the Lions. It would be similar to a student getting a D in a class but passing the final exam. Should he/she be graded on the whole year or just the final test? If the Vikings had won more games they would have played playoff games at home. If I recall that usually is a big advantage. No matter one win and they will forget. Remember they vote for Democrats.

There is rarely a link between sports and politics but in Minnesota I feel there is a common thread. People with the "Minnesota state of mind" are sympathetic people. They never want to get to mean or too spiteful. In many ways they are like children. They can pout but buy them a toy and all is well. Minnesota is a Democratic Party state when it comes to Presidential Elections. It doesn’t matter if the man is Kerry, Gore, Clinton, Dukakis, Mondale, Carter or McGovern. It doesn’t matter how big a loser the man is he is good enough for them. The "Minnesota state of mind" accepts losing better than any fan in the country. They accept it because the can so easily be distracted with a single victory. They actually expect more from their high school teams than they do from their pro teams. Maybe someday the men of Minnesota will grow some balls and vote Repuclican and demand winning from their sports teams. As for now "Minnesota nice" is no different than "Minnesota wimps". It should not surprise us that they vote for Democrats. A Republican does not feel a sense of accomplishment with being average.

A Boston Tea Party …(Fat, Drunk, And Stupid)

Teddy Kennedy spouted his normal propaganda yesterday. He declared that the President was going to cut social security benefits by 33 percent. This is the normal scare tactics that most Democrats use when it comes to the subject of social security. They try to disguise the problems the current system has so that they can continue to scare senior citizens.

I read recently that in 5 years, yes the year 2009, the federal government will begin to have to raise more money from foreign investors to make up for a shrinking surplus in the social security trust fund. In 2018 the trust fund will no longer be a surplus but instead a deficit. The government either has to go to foreign investors to make up for the money lost in the surplus or raise taxes or, oh my God no, cut spending. The problem we face is that most people do not know a whole hell of a lot about the subject. People like Kennedy take advantage of that and try to intimidate them.

We will hear plenty from the Democrats over then next many months and quite possibly even a few Republicans. They will try hard to keep social security status quo. It is much easier to lie to the folks and tell them everything is fine……..just elect me and everything will be fine than it is to tell them the truth and face their wrath. Tough choices need to be made and it begins with politicians telling the truth for once rather than promising everyone they can have it all. We pay the equivalent of six thousand dollars per person in this country for entitlements yet no politician will turn-off the faucet. Kennedy is at the top of the blow-hard list. There was a saying in the movie “Animal House” that said “being fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son”. Well allow me to modify that for Senator Kennedy, being fat, drunk, and senile is no way to go through your senior years Mr. Kennedy.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Cry of the Loon …(The Numbers Never Lie)

Through out the years there have been many highly anticipated battles or contests that have turned into landslide victories by a team, person, or country. Examples of this are the Harlem Globetrotters vs the Washington Generals, Reagan vs Mondale, and the U.S. Military vs the Iraq National Army. This Thursday or Friday night we are again faced with another epic face-off. Ed Schultz will be on the Bill O’Reilly Show. It is unclear to this writer what is going to be discussed or whether this will be a heated debate between O’Reilly and the Loon. If it were a debate of substance over shtick then the winner would be O’Reilly by a huge margin. Because I am not sure what will happen, I figured it might be better to preview their battle. To do this I am going to use a format made famous by comedian Nick Bakay called “Tale of the Tape” because as Nick says, “the numbers never lie”.

Topic: City of origin
O’Reilly - New York – the city that never sleeps
Schultz - Fargo – City that thinks Jack & Sandy is good radio Advantage – O’Reilly

Topic: Book sales
O’Reilly – Millions
Schultz – Less than a million
Advantage – O’Reilly – he has written many books of substance that weren’t done in a month

Topic: Syndication
O’Reilly - Westwood One
Schultz – The Jonestown Radio Group
Advantage – O’Reilly

Topic: Temper
O’Reilly – Irish
Schultz – Postal
Advantage – Push – but I bet Maureen begs to differ

Topic: Slogan
O’Reilly – No Spin Zone
Schultz – Where America Comes To Talk
Advantage – O’Reilly – Schultz’s audience educates him

Topic: Hotter co-hosts
O’Reilly – Edie Hill, Elise Wheil
Schultz – Vern Thompson, R.D.Knutson
Advantage – O’Reilly – obviously

Topic: Promotions
O’Reilly- Factor Gear
Schultz - Big Eddie Spinners
Advantage -O’Reilly – Most of his proceeds go to charity

Topic: Party
O’Reilly – Independent
Schultz - Rebuplic uh Democr uh who is paying my salary
Advantage – O’Reilly – something to do with integrity

Topic: Rival
O’Reilly – Paul Krugman – New York Times
Schultz – Jack & Sandy
Advantage – Schultz – he got Jack & Sandy fired

Topic: Known for
O’Reilly – Fair and Balanced
Schultz – Shooting his dog
Advantage – O’Reilly

Topic: Supporting Cast
O’Reilly – Staff of researchers
Schutlz – Homey and Tank
Advantage – O’Reilly – he has professionals not flunkies

Topic: Religion
O’Reilly – Catholic
Schultz – The Mighty Dollar
Advantage – O’Reilly

Topic: Experience
O’Reilly – Inside Edition
Schultz – WDAY Sports
Advantage – O’Reilly – it is called journalism

So there you have it, the advantage goes to O’Reilly based on experience, integrity, and knowledge. As “the tale of the tape” proves the “numbers never lie”. I ask if anyone else has any other topics that need to be broken down please add them with your comments.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Christmas and New Years break is over................if anyone reads my postings i apologize for not having many recent things to say. New postings to begin promptly.

let me know your thoughts on what you think of this site so far.

thank you