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University A Conservative Harvest: October 2006

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(John Kennedy Would Agree)

It was President Kennedy who said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” From my perspective it is the “what your country can do for you” part that people need a refresher course on in the current world in which we live. If people were asked what their country could do for them many would give answers such as health care, subsidies, social security, and education among others. While many of these answers have validity, with some more than others, they are not the most important things a government can do for its citizens. Safety and/or security is the chief responsibility of our federal government.

As we near the mid-term elections just a few weeks away I can’t help myself but think you have to be an absolute fool (strong emphasis) to elect a Democrat in the Democratic Party’s current state to office during a time of war. Reasons not to elect a Democrat are two many to actually list. You have to have had your head in the sand since 9/11 not to know these reasons. More evidence was given last week on “Good Morning America” when Diane Sawyer interviewed John McCain the morning after North Korea’s issuing a statement of threatening physical retaliation if the United States continued to pursue sanctions. Ms. Sawyer asked the stunned McCain if he still believed the U.S. should follow through on sanctions now that the North Korean’s were threatening us with physical harm. McCain answered with a duh, obviously we should not reverse course just because a crackpot threatens us. The question by Sawyer is the essence of the current Democrat’s mind, which is talk tough until threatened then back down. Agree on a treaty regardless of how worthless it may be so you can point to it and say there is peace. Place your trust in the word of dictators.

There is no Republican who is more upset with how the Republicans in charge have governed than I. I can easily, I repeat easily list 100 issues I hold against them. For you Democrats reading this means it does not mean I would side with your ideas but rather would have governed much, much, much more conservatively. Ironically, it is the House that has governed the most conservative but who is set to suffer because of the wimpy, country clubber Republicans in the Senate. If the current Democratic party was not made up of so many lunatics a change in power in the legislature might be palatable but not in a time of war. They way to punish the current lot of non conservative Republicans is not by removing the party from control but rather holding these individuals responsible in their Republican primaries when they hope to be nominated by their state parties. John Kennedy would agree at this time in our country’s history, Democratic control is not an option.