A Boston Tea Party …(Uphill Both Ways)
Most parents fondly remember things about their childhood. We often nostalgically refer to specific instances from our younger years. Those wonderfully memorable times of reflection often cause us to contrast them with what the young people of today do. If you are like me then you prefer your time of growing up rather than your kids. The problem is it is never possible to turn back the clock and live in those times again.
The style of clothes is certainly returning to the past but you don’t see games of neighborhood sandlot baseball played anymore. Playstation has the attention of most kids now. Tell your children about the things you did as a kid like drive your bike across town and they will look at you with bewilderment. Tell your children they too would have enjoyed growing up when we did and they will say “no way”. Obviously, it can never be proven because we are unable to go back in time. Imagine the excitement if we could only make it happen.
That type of exhilaration is what the current war protestors are experiencing. These hippies of the past have spent their adult years telling stories to their children of all the crazy anti-war fun they had growing up and now they get to show them for real. They must feel they have actually found a time warp. It is the time of Woodstock, college campus protests, and the peace sign. The problem though is it is as pathetic now as it was cool then. Oh, sure the children of the hippies of the past get to see their parents in all their glory but the rest of the country has a different meaning of “cool” now. They are evidence to our children that those drug-hazed, protesting 60’s really did exist. Cindy Sheehan and her ditch ding-a-lings are living “the Dream”. Maybe it is true that my parents walked six miles uphill both ways to school. I just never believed it. Maybe now my kids will believe disco really did exist.