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University A Conservative Harvest: December 2004

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Cry of the Loon …(A New Years Party)

People in North Dakota spend their New Years Eve doing a variety of things from staying at home watching Dick Clark to a night on the town. Our self-proclaimed national voice has decided to spend his New Years Eve with his wife and with San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom. You remember Gavin Newsom, the same man who went against California state law and married homosexuals on the steps of city hall.

Ed Schultz the voice of North Dakota is once again making us proud. There are plenty of Democrats in North Dakota but I think it is safe to say that most would not spend their New Years Eve with a San Francisco type liberal. I mean there are liberals and there are LIBERALS. It is easy to see by this choice that Ed has sold his soul to the far far liberal fringe. If you listen to his afternoon show you will notice most of the calls are coming from the blue states. A North Dakota Democrat is not the same type of Democrat that lives on both coasts. Most North Dakota Democrats would feel way out of place in San Francisco possibly even shocked.

It is said who your friends are tells a lot about you. Well, the crowd Ed will be partying with on New Years is not the same crowd you will see at the Ramada Inn in Fargo. Maybe someone will suggest to Ed that he move to San Francisco to do and promote his show. It would be a great move. He would save North Dakota the embarrassment that goes along with associating himself with people like Gavin Newsom. I wonder if Michael Moore is invited. Imagine the amazing people Ed could be hanging with on New Years. Better him than me. I’d get in a fight or break out in a rash. Fargo is no longer Ed’s kinda town. A New Years party in Fargo definitely lacks celebrity. I suggest that while in San Francisco he parties hard, tours the town, and moves there as soon as possible. It will be good for him and for us.

Monday, December 20, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(Armor Hypocrisy)

Last week National Guardsman Thomas Wilson asked Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, “Why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass to up-armor our vehicles?” The following would have been my answer had I been Donald Rumsfeld.

First of all, Mr. Wilson that is a great question. Please allow me a few minutes to explain. As you know, as the Secretary of Defense I am in charge of securing funds from Congress to equip America’s military. I make my recommendations to President Bush who then in turn works with both houses of Congress to come up with an amount of money for defense. Congress decides how much funding is available to our department. We have increased spending in defense every year since President Bush took office in order to make our military the best-equipped military in the world but we have many needs from increased soldier pay to better equipment. It is my jobs to prioritize what I feel are the most important of those needs and we will continue to do whatever possible to get our soldiers every possible advantage in the battlefield. Your question Mr. Wilson is a question of priority. Congress recently passed a spending bill that contained $16 billion of pork in it. Evidently those Congressmen that included such a large amount of wasteful spending felt their pet projects took priority over your need for armor. There are some in Congress that would even prefer to give the defense department much less than it is getting now. I believe that with an extra $16 billion we could pay for your suggestion as well as many other needs you may have. I suggest if your families are listening or watching that they write their Congressmen and ask them why they chose pork over you’re the safety of our troops. Again, I can’t stress enough that the money is there to do what you ask of us but your Congress has a different set of priorities.

I am not the biggest fan of Mr. Rumsfeld but he had a golden opportunity to nail the hypocritical Congressmen we are seeing all over the television shows over the past week. For them to speak about a lack of military support is embarrassing. Their priority will always be reelection even over the death of soldiers. Mr. Rumsfeld is known for telling it like it is. He blew a wonderful opportunity and for that matter so has the national press. I am quite sure Rumsfeld did not cast a single vote for any of the pork projects passed in the last spending bill.

A Boston Tea Party …(Minority Rules)

Elections are a wonderful thing in a democracy. Elections allow for the majority to rule. In the Presidential election each state has its own election and awards its electors to the victor. Congressmen are voted in with a majority of votes. This past November Republicans did so well in elections that they increased their majorities in both houses of Congress. It is easy to see that a majority of Americans feel that the Republican Party is the party that should lead. Christmas time offers us a great example of where the majority of people are asked to let the minority rule. Ninety percent of Americans associate themselves as Christians yet, that same majority is asked to suppress those sentiments so that only ten percent of Americans feel more comfortable.

Throughout the country nativity scenes are being outlawed. Expressions of a Christian meaning to Christmas are forbidden. Schools will not allow Christmas carols to be sung in musical plays. Christmas trees are referred to in many cities as holiday trees. These examples show how ten percent of America is dictating the actions of the majority. If we follow the same logic then the minority party in Congress should be able to establish policy. Because so many people are upset with George Bush winning the election, he should fill his cabinet with Democrats. In America we don’t operate this way. The majority rules and set policy.

There is a way to end this madness. There is a way for ninety percent of us citizens to again dictate our strong feelings for Christmas and not be made to feel ashamed for celebrating Christmas. There is one frontier yet to be conquered by conservatives. Conservatives need to regain control of county, city, and school boards. Local politics is an area that has lacked focus for conservatives. There is not reason the majority party of the nation should not also be the majority party of the local. Until then the majority will at times operate under minority rules. Christmas is a perfect example.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

The Cry of the Loon …(All That Is Left To Do Is To Go Fish’n)

When two self-proclaimed legends get as big as Ed Schultz and R.D. Knutson there isn’t much left to accomplish. It is really neat when they are together on a show. We get to listen to them pat each other on the back. As R.D. said, "They have both climbed Everest in Fargo". The love fest is something to behold as they fight over which one is really reaaalllllyyy the bigger celebrity. They are so big that even their agents have agents. It is also heart warming that two people of opposite political parties can get along so well and have so much respect for one another. If you are lucky enough to have Dan Micheals join the studio it gets even more special. When people that BIG get in one room they should sell lottery tickets just to view them. I wonder do you get that big because of talent or longevity? Is Fargo such a metropolis that only the most talented can survive or rather will most people in Fargo accept almost anyone? I mean Jack and Sandy lasted for years doing daily coffee talk. But we know what happened to them, they like all major celebrities in the area that reach the amount of fame the rest of us can only dream of have nothing left to do but to go fish’n. Ed said" I think they are still my friends". Only major celebrities can step on each other and still be fish'n buddies because as we all know fame is much more important than class.

I will miss each of them as they continue the ladder to self-proclaimed super stardom. I am glad R.D. was there today to console Ed as he got verklempt in a way that would make Dick Vermeil proud. I hope we can get a reunion someday at a Frankie Valli concert so they can once again bask in each others glory. I will be the one in front, as they walk along the red carpet, with the fishing rod.

The Cry of the Loon …(I’ve Got Some Swampland To Sell You)

Ed Schultz is leaving his security blanket. It was announced yesterday that Ed was no longer going to be doing his local “News and Views” show on KFGO and will be taking his national show to the time slot previously held by Jack and Sandy. This caused a stir in the talk radio circles. Callers quickly began voicing their sadness over the axing of Jack and Sandy and also wishing Ed success with his new time slot. Rush Limbaugh and corporate America took most of the heat for the changes being made. The degree of delusion was startling. The following is a hunch on what really took place from someone who learned about the radio business from Ed up close.

The first rule in radio is too look out for yourself which is convenient because it is also the first rule of Ed. Ed is concerned with Ed and Ed only. If you haven’t realized, Ed also has a fairly large ego. Ed’s ego tells him that his national show is his ticket to stardom. Stardom too Ed includes the possibility of a cable TV show. The only way to become a star is to leave your nest and become a success on a national basis. To become a star also takes time and effort and two shows doesn’t leave much time to market his new show. It has become time for him to leave “News and Views” behind and look to the future. This is where the story changes from the version that is being portrayed publicly.

The radio business is ruthless. I liken it to a bunch of hookers. Radio personalities jump from one station to another freely. They will bad mouth another company and three weeks later are working for them. The same thing can happen within one station or stations owned by the same company. Radio personalities act like they all are the best of buddies while behind the scenes jealousies and backstabbings occur all in the name of ratings. Whoever has the top ratings does whatever necessary to stay at the top while the others will do what they have too in order to get to the top. Not every single person is like this but those with an ego as large as Ed’s most certainly are. So here we have Ed, a so called sympathetic democrat, moving to a new time slot that ends up costing two other liberals losing their jobs. How ironic. Does Ed lose anything in this deal? Does it hurt his chances at stardom? Did such a caring Democrat stand up and say no, I can’t leverage my success on the loss of two of my friends’ jobs? No, it is much easier to spin a story of blame on evil management. Would a true Democrat stand on principle and not allow his co-workers to be sacrificed? If you believe all that has transpired was against the will of Ed and that Ed does not benefit in someway from the results then I have some swampland I’d like to sell you. It could take a month or it could take 10 years but if you stand in the way of Ed’s progress your going to be stepped on. Ed wins and others lose, I guess Jack and Sandy learned that lesson.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(The Greatest Generation)

Tom Brokaw wrote a book called “The Greatest Generation”. He was speaking of the Americans and especially soldiers that were part of World War II. I doubt anyone would disagree with his labeling of those people as the greatest generation. What they sacrificed for the future of America was amazing. They sacrificed freely for future generations without expecting anything in return. The generation of WW II realized life was not always fair and often times hard but that did not stop them from doing what was right. We also see these same qualities in the soldiers in Iraq.

Contrast those people with the senior citizens and baby boomers of today. The word SACRIFICE is not part their vocabulary. Sacrifice has been replaced with want and disserve. As in, we deserve entitlement programs regardless of what it costs future generations of Americans. As in, we should not have to sacrifice anything in our senior years. As in, they do not require our politicians to be honest to us. Today’s senior citizens and baby boomers expect they can have what they want and they can have it now and if their favorite politician does not agree then he will soon be their ex-politician. They believe life should always be fair and never be hard for them.

Many of these people are children of WW II Americans but don’t even remotely resemble them. The costs required to pay for their every need will cripple future generations but that isn’t their problem. They will be dead. The generation of WW II Americans selflessly put the future of their children and grandchildren ahead of theirs. They were willing to dye for that future. Today’s generation of retired Americans bitches if they have to spend a few extra dollars for medicine or are required to take a small cut in social security benefits. In sixty years we have gone from “The Greatest Generation” to “The Selfish Generation”. Someday maybe a book will be written about their selfishness but it won’t include the word great. My respect for the one grows everyday and for the other my respect lessens everyday. Tom Brokaw was right. We will never see such an amazing group of Americans ever again.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(No Mas)

The ultimate way of winning is by making your opponent give up. In sports one of the most defining moments of someone dominating an opponent was when Sugar Ray Leonard made Roberto Duran quit in the boxing ring. The statement “No Mas” will always be remembered as Duran became so frustrated that he decided to just give up during the early rounds of the fight. In politics we have seen the beginning of “No Mas” as frustrated liberals have begun their exodus to Canada.

“NBC News” ran a report on Friday night of upset liberals leaving the United States and moving to Canada. One woman says that this country no longer represented her liberal values and she was willing to move to Canada to be happy. Is this great or what? The defeat of liberal secularism and socialism is very near. If Republicans and conservatives (there is a difference) can continue the momentum created in this year’s election maybe we will see a flood of defeated liberals leaving for Canada. The very thought of a country unwilling to allow gay marriage, ask the permission of the United Nations, and have a President who shares his belief in God in a public manner is all these undying liberals could stand. Can you ever imagine a Republican moving out of the country after an election loss? Rather than stay and put up a legitimate fight for their beliefs the fragile Liberal decides to proclaim “No Mas”. I only wish I could wave good-bye to them on the border and somehow make sure that they were never allowed to return to America. Only a true liberal nut would leave the freest country in the world. I hope they find socialism to their little hearts content in Canada. America is much better without them. “No Mas” is music to my ears.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

What Are You Thinking ...(The Night Before Christmas)

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the city
Not a person was stirring, not even a kitty.

The signs in the stores referenced a holiday season,
In hopes that Christmas would be forgotten due to their anti-Christian reason.

The liberals were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of secularism danced in their heads.

An ACLU lawyer in her ‘kerchief, and a mayor in his cap,
Had just finished working on nonreligious crap.

When out on the street there arose such a clatter,
People sprang from their beds to see what was the matter.

Away to the window they flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

When, what to their wondering eyes should appear,
But a reminder of Christmas only a secularist could fear.

With Shepards, oxen, and sheep gathered ‘round,
They knew in a moment the meaning of Christmas would be found.

More rapid than eagles his angels they came,
Proclaiming “Peace on Earth” on behalf of the Lord Jesus’ name.

And then, in an instant, they heard from the street down below,
The son of man will forgive all sins don’t you know.

As they opened their hearts and looked towards heaven,
They noticed the clock said fifty-nine past eleven.

In one minute the birthday of Christ would arrive,
A day many people work hard to deprive.

While some in America want complete separation of church and state,
Our founding fathers often referenced God in the country they worked hard to create.

Remember as you gather with your family for the season,
The words “Merry Christmas” are not words of treason.

Don’t let the far leftists destroy this special time,
Christmas brings the faith of God into your hearts and mine.

Friday, December 03, 2004

What Are You Thinking … (They Will Decide What Illegal Means)

I am not a big fan of unions. There was a time when unions were needed to protect workers from the abuses of management. Now we see the most powerful union in the country, the baseball players association, protecting its members from the law. Steroid use is illegal to all members of society unless of course you are a baseball player. The all powerful players union decides what it deems to be legal or illegal.

I understand the baseball union’s strength has allowed the players to become filthy rich but what I don’t understand is how something like steroid use has to be up for negotiation. Does the players union think that if they even give one inch on any negotiation that it will lead to other concessions? It is hilarious to hear that Jason Giambi cannot be penalized for admitted steroid use because at the time of his use it was not illegal in baseball. It seems to me we have lost our minds. The public pressure should be so incredible that baseball becomes compelled to punish its players for cheating. Cheating cannot be negotiated.

I am a huge fan of the game of baseball. It does become more and more difficult to remain a fan of the players as each year passes. The arrogance they have by requiring every issue be negotiated is beyond anything I can comprehend. They refuse to submit to the punishment that management might levy for steroid use because it will affect them monetarily. The damage to the game of baseball is irrelevant to the players. It is even rumored that most rank and file union members agree with the ban on steroids but union managment doesnt. Only negotiation will decide what illegal means in baseball. It has gotten so bad that it almost seems that the players union is management and the owners are the players. The owners are the ones who need to be protected from the players.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(At A Holiday Inn Express Last Night)

So you want to get something done in Washington. Maybe your company needs government approval of a product or your company wants to be a supplier to the defense department. How do you get this done? You need to make a couple of decisions. Will you hire a lobbyist and how much money are you willing to spend? If you want to play the Washington game then you play it under Washington rules. If you don’t follow the rules you get nowhere. We now have a chance to change those rules. We now have a first step to taking back our government from the lobbyists and special interests. How? Two words…Tax Reform.

A Flax Tax or a National Sales Tax is two ways President Bush is thinking about to reform the mind-numbing income tax code we have now. We will most certainly hear screams of outrage from every business or special interest group that risks losing their special tax break. It will also become very evident which members of Congress prefer the corrupt status quo to any type of tax reform. Each member or group that gains benefits from the current use of Washington rules will not show any interest in changing America’s tax laws. This fact alone is all the evidence the public should need to know tax reform is an absolute must. Have you ever known any change to current law that would have the entire government establishment against it? The norm has at least one-half of Washington for something and the other one-half against.

Imagine the only tax you pay is when you buy something, which results in no income taxes being taken out of your check, or imagine filling out your tax return on a postcard each January. No more marriage penalties, inheritance tax, itemized deductions, earned income credits, or hiring a tax accountant. I ask you to get informed. Don’t worry about whether you lose your interest deduction on your house, all that matters is whether you get to keep more of your own money. If you pay less in taxes, you then have more money to save or spend. If you spend some of that money then the economy grows. If the economy grows the government receives more tax money. Everyone wins. America wins if we take away the corrupt influence of special interests and lobbyists. We all know what they do is basically legal bribery. Heck, maybe even career politicians will get bored since their asses will no longer need to be kissed and decide to serve only a few terms. Maybe this major step in changing the way Washington does business will lead to other reforms, then other reforms, and then even other reforms. I know I am getting carried away, quite possibly even dreaming, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

A Boston Tea Party …(NOOOOORMMMM!)

Today in the “Wall Street Journal” Senator Norm Coleman has called for U.N. Secretary-General Koffi Annan to resign. The corruption from the oil-for-food program is so extensive that Mr. Coleman believes the only way it can be solved is with the removal of Annan.

The bi-partisan investigation has led to evidence of bribery and kickbacks to officials at the U.N., France, Russia, and Saddam Hussein himself as well as Koffi Annan’s son. Senator Coleman also says that while the U.N. has called for an internal investigation the results of the said investigation are to be reported only to Annan himself. Annan will then decide what if any information is made public. Coleman wants new leadership that will open the books to an investigation without obstacles.

For going public with his demand for the resignation of Koffi Annon, I say “Cheers” to Nooooormmmm Coleman. I only hopes he continues his assult on the integrity of the U.N. It also brings other questions to mind. Will we hear the same demands from any Democrats? Won’t it be interesting to find out how high the corruption goes in the governments of Russia and France? Why don’t the major media outlets report anything about this story? Should America withhold funding to the United Nations to force the resignation of its Secretary-General? The United States pays about 80% of the U.N.’s bills. The louder the voice Norm Coleman brings to this story the more evident it is to understand the why America does not get a fair shake at the U.N. and because of that our soldiers remain at war.