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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Pummel Them)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Pummel Them)

LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE. In this corner we have the country of Israel, a country that faces danger everyday. Israel weighs in as a democratic country. In the other corner is terrorism sponsored by Iran and Syria. Terrorism weighs in with the desire to eliminate Israel off the face of the earth. This is a fight in the making for years. The time has come to settle it once and for all.

I told my son this morning as I drove him to work that I hoped by the end of the day full-scale war would break out. As we now inch towards late evening the possibility gets closer. It is time to declare a winner and a loser. For years we see terrorists kill Israeli citizens and then eventually a response from Israel, tit for tat. Enough! Peace negotiations after peace negotiations have been tried. Compromises have been offered. Offers have been agreed too and broken or flat out rejected. The time has come for the civilized world to put these terrorist organizations and the countries that support them in their graves. I hope this is the spark that begins the process.

A war between Israel and radical Islam will allow every person, religion, and country the opportunity to take a side. Do they support a country’s right to exist in peace or not? Actually the choice is whether to exist at all. When a society has free elections and elects a terrorist organization to leadership results like we have seen the last few days should not be a surprise. I support Israel’s right to do WHAT EVER it deems necessary to keep its people safe. We as Americans would do the same damn thing. Have no mercy Israel. Pummel them into submission. Do it once and do it right and please be relentless. You cannot negotiate with crazy people.


At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

make sure you tell your son how noble it is to serve his country since you are advocating war and then when he turns 18,help him sign up and go to the middle east, cuz that's how long we will be in this war.

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And puzzlefeet what is your suggestion? Let Isreal be gumbled up for these terroists? Please lets hear your sloution u people are all alike always aganist everything but please whatss your solution to this very serious problem now i nthe Middle East? I willadmit I'm not sure what the right thing is maybe u have a great idea if it isnt war what is it?

At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon, there is no one size war fits all for this situation. I do believe that if we don't support Israel and Lebanon to get Hezbollah out of Lebanon and the government of Lebanon falls, then Israel will be in a full scale war. I believe there should be diplomatic meetings between Israel and Lebanon (probably secret) with the UN brokering the meeting to try and come to some solution on the removal of Hezbollah.

I absolutely believe that Israel is entitled to defend itself in this latest attack, that is sure.

Oh, and people like me aren't always against everything, we just aren't in favor of knee-jerk warmongering when all of the ramifications have not been considered. We are in Iraq for the long term, because we didn't plan well, totally misunderstood the political situation over there and didn't finish the job in Afghanistan first.

So my comments stand. I too, don't have all the answers, but I certainly don't consider war the only option available nor the first one uttered out of my pen.

At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting back at me puzzlefeet u have a great sloution the UN ya the UN is doing a lot of good with the Irian siuation isnt it? And what about dealing

with Nkorea wait till a missle that could maybe one day hit mainland USA,Im not for war either I know several young people both in Afgh, Bosnia and Iraq and i prary for their safety everynight.

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Eric J. Burton said...

Time for the rest of the world to get out of the way and let Israel finish the terrorists off.

At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with u GOON 100%


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