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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Bandwagon Jumper)

Thursday, December 01, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Bandwagon Jumper)

Try for a minute to get inside a current Democrat’s mind. I know it is hard and even a little scary but try. First you have to start with an attitude that someone else is keeping you from succeeding and next you always try to have it both ways. It is blatantly obvious to anyone with a sane mind that the Democrats are hoping we lose the war because it will benefit them politically. They know if this war succeeds while George Bush is President their chances of taking the presidency in the near future is minimal. If the war goes terribly then their chances increase exponentially.

A few months back I asked Bill O’Reilly on his radio show whether the Dems wanted it both ways by being against the war (being on the correct side if the war fails) while at the same time saying of course they want us to win (again being pro America if the war succeeds). O’Reilly agreed that it seemed a bit contradictory in saying you are pro American but against the war. In the months since that call the left has increased its anti-war stance. Today Nancy Pelosi joined John Murtha in calling for the immediate withdrawal of troops. Almost every leading Democrat will purposely never mention any positive signs of success in Iraq. In every instance they have sided with the enemy over their country from lawyers for prisoners at Guitmo to the setting of a timetable for withdrawal. There has not been a single instance where unanimously the Democratic leadership has been on the side of this President. While Joe Lieberman may have made a great Vice Presidential candidate he is a pariah for his siding with the current administration’s plan in Iraq. So I ask again, get in the mind of a Democrat. What happens when we win? What is their plan to spin all the anti-war rhetoric into a victory cheer?

While Democrats may be misguided and foolish they are not completely stupid. They must know that a party without any vocalized platform other than legalized abortion does not stand a prayer of winning the presidency for a generation if this war is successful. So they must have a strategic plan just in case God forbid America is victorious in Iraq. But what could it be? They will certainly want to take some of the credit. They will want to bask themselves in the glory just like any other bandwagon jumper.

I must say I cannot figure out a way this is possible. I am trying to think like a Democrat but I cannot figure out how I can turn being negative into being positive. Whew! In a way this is a good thing. Who wants to be able to think that way? Not me. If you have any suggestion how the Dems will spin this after we win please add them in the comment section. How do you stand against something then rejoice in the success of victory? You know somehow they will, they always do, but how is a riddle left for people more devious than I.


At 9:52 PM, Blogger Tony B said...

You are limiting yourself to true statements. What is to stop Nancy Pelosi a year from now from saying, "I have been saying from day one that our forces simply needed enough time to secure victory."? It's not like Matt Lauer is going to call her on it. Hell, he'd probably follow up on that statement with, "Do you think victory would have come sooner if the President has listened to your advice more often?"


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