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University A Conservative Harvest: A Boston Tea Party …(Chicken Shits)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A Boston Tea Party …(Chicken Shits)

On Tuesday President Bush stepped to the microphone and accepted blame for the shortcomings of the federal government during the hurricane Katrina disaster. This caused the press and Democrats to nearly faint. They feel the President never takes blame for anything. In the world we live in most feel a President should be blamed for everything. Blame the President if the economy is slow, if gas prices are high, if soldiers get killed in war, if taxes are cut, or if you lose your car keys. Yes, the President is the one who controls everything and if something happens to our dislike it is his fault.

Today, he boldly took blame for the entire bureaucratic conglomerate that made a mess of hurricane relief aid. Some of that blame is warranted but certainly all blame does not lie at his feet. I am not going to go into the amount of culpability state and local officials should accept because that should be obvious to everyone who isn’t named Jesse Jackson. What really interests me is how congressmen and senators get away like cat burglars. What a fabulous country club they are a part of. Not all country clubs are the same however. Representatives would be members of say Oxbow but senators would be members of Augusta. Both country clubs contain the luxury of insulation. Both country clubs contain members of each political party. Once you are part of such a prestigious group you are blameless but are anxious to lay blame. Its members decide on how money gets spent and how it doesn’t for example billions on meaningless pork projects and relative pittances for levies to protect cities. Such an elite assembly also has the ability to protect itself from performance. Very few incumbents ever lose an election.

The country club of representative government has laid blamed on the slow response of FEMA when they themselves placed FEMA under the department of homeland security. Some members of this country club blame tax cuts and the Iraq war for draining the treasury of money needed for the New Orleans levy system while just a few weeks earlier passed a highway bill with $30 billion in pork. Grand standing, a lack of humiliation, hypocrisy, and a willingness to profit politically on the backs of others misery are all prerequisites to become a member for life of this select group. Very few of us have the stomach to be part of this gang but those that do revel in it. You see these types of people place blame rather than accept any responsibility. Those of us who are not members of this governmental country club might call those types of people “chicken shits”. I for one place plenty of blame on them.


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