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University A Conservative Harvest: Cry Of The Loon …(The Day The Music Died)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Cry Of The Loon …(The Day The Music Died)

Although I have never seen the complete movie I am familiar with the hilarious phrase from the movie “Dumb and Dumber”. In order to refresh your memory it went like this: “just when I thought you couldn’t get any dumber…you go and do something like this……and totally redeem yourself”. This phrase states exactly how I feel about Ed Schultz’s show today. Each time I believe he can’t top a dumb statement or idea he does. I guess I should give him credit for at least outdoing himself.

He began his show today outraged FEMA was requiring citizens of New Orleans to register with government officials before being moved to areas around the country to rebuild their lives. Ed felt strongly people should be able to pick up and leave without any type of organization. He wanted any American who is willing to help those whose lives have been ruined to just be able to show up and take a family away with them like he had done a day earlier. Ed believed the government was intervening in the flood victim’s liberties by having them registering and processing victim information. He was fuming that the government was preventing Americans from assisting the now homeless people of New Orleans.

A caller in the last half hour, while disagreeing with Ed, provided an example of what Ed would prefer happen to these people. He wanted Ed to assume there was a family of four where the father was in Baton Rouge, an 8 year old son in Houston, the mother in Dallas, and a 16 year old daughter in Little Rock. He asked Ed if it would not be best that by having each person register information with FEMA that the government first reunite this family rather than have these four people possibly end up relocated to four different parts of the country. Ed said, “No”. The children should be able to make their own decisions and it would be much better to get these four individuals with some family in America than make them wait in a shelter until they were reunited.

Ed was also upset that background checks were being done on people. I guess in his small little mind it would be better to forget the “processing of information” and run the risk of a child getting placed with a child molester or have a citizen of New Orleans who is a known gang member to be placed with an unsuspecting family in America somewhere. He was also upset the public was not able to enter any shelter or facility where the people are being staged.

Two weeks cannot go by without “Jethro Bodine” of Beverly Hillbilly fame” (his new nickname) putting his foot in his mouth. This happens because he rarely thinks before he speaks. Ed still thinks he is living in the Wild West except if he had he would have been shot down by a gunslinger by now for saying something stupid. Near the end of his show his outrage was lessening. It became evident even to him his far left audience was not going to agree with him on this issue. I would even go so far as to say that today many who were fans of Ed realized his elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top. It was the day the music died for those people. The day another progressive talk show host fell of his perch. For many he lost credibility, while for some of us he never had any, and for the rest … well he will provide you another opportunity in the near future.


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