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University A Conservative Harvest: June 2006

Friday, June 30, 2006

Goes Unnoticed

Remember the kid that no one paid attention too. He wanted people to notice him but most never did. He would stand up and basically say “hey, hey, hey remember me … over here, hey, hey, hey” while jumping up and down and raising his hands in the air. This image is the same one I got yesterday when I heard the reasoning the Supreme Court had ruled in a 5 – 3 vote giving terrorists Geneva Convention rights.

As we have seen in fairly recent opinions Stevens, Breyer, Ginsburg, and Souter believe America’s courts should take into consideration the rulings of foreign courts. It is because of these root beliefs by these justices that the constitution was thrown to the side. In their rulings the constitution is NOT the ONLY document to be used in considering law but only one of many documents including many foreign. The constitution gives no power to the judicial branch in carrying out wars. This responsibility is for the executive and legislative branches. I have no problem with them ruling the President needs to consult with Congress in dealing with enemy combatants but there is no reason Geneva Convention rights should be given to members of terrorist groups.

Our Supreme Court made sure yesterday that we had not forgotten about them. All the debate over the last couple years about the war had excluded them. As is their modus operandi in our recent history they again over-reached. All should say their prayers every night President Bush will get the opportunity to appoint one more justice. Only then will the Supreme Court again become the branch that goes unnoticed. Stevens, Breyer, Souter, and Ginsburg evidently share the same opinion as the New York Times about this war. On Independence Day of 2006 our country continues to move closer to the rest of the world rather than standing alone as a Republic which operates only under its own constitution.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Big Bold Letters)

The fictional movie U-571 released in April of 2000 detailed an American crew capturing a German submarine during WWII. The dangerous mission allowed America to obtain the Enigma cipher and decrypt Nazi messages used by German U-boats operating in the North Atlantic. It is said the ability of the Allies to decrypt the enciphered messages hastened the end of the war in Europe by two years. Would that have been true had the New York Times, as it is operating today, learned of America’s seizing of the Enigma cipher?

Under the rationale of the New York Times one can imagine them printing the news on the changing of the hands of the Enigma machine because of the public’s right to know. It is also very easy to see how the releasing of such information would have hurt our ability to defeat the Nazi’s in Europe. What is hard to imagine is during that era would anyone or anybody do something so blatantly anti-American? Most certainly not but it was a very different time.

Today, we have half the country bent on destroying a single Presidency. We have leakers inside the government who place their political feelings above those of patriotism. We have a media anxious to turn the American citizen against a war the media believes is wrong. Neither “rat” will stop until they face substantial punishment. In the late 1700’s America had the sedition act which prohibited any anti-government speech or print. We certainly should not go down that path but it does show in our history that our leaders felt an open press yielded tremendous power.

In times of war the power of the press can work against our ability to wage the war effectively. The zealousness of the New York Times to participate in doing so has taken journalism straight to the toilet. Their willingness to educate our enemy will and has cost American and Iraqi lives because of what they deem as the “public’s right to know”. The public needs to know the press is sabotaging the public’s right to be safe. It does not take an Enigma cipher machine to translate their message. It is being written over and over in big bold letters, TREASON.

Friday, June 23, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Acting Like Politicians)

Rumors are swirling this week that any potential immigration bill before the election is pretty much dead. The House is planning on holding public forums around the country this summer before delving into conference meetings with the Senate. The pundits are suggesting the Republicans are delaying any chance of compromise until after the fall elections. It seems no Republican House member wants to be looked upon as being weak on border security while facing reelection.

Pardon me if I think something smells here. I have a natural distrust of ALL politicians born from Republicans spending like Democrats, a so-called conservative nominating Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court, a Senate full of Republicans who sided with the Democrats on a border bill, and most of all public officials who are more concerned with having a career in Washington rather than governing in a manner that places their country then constituents above said career.

When the Tom Tancredo and JD Hayworth say they want border security established and maintained before dealing with and guest-worker program, I hope they mean it whether it is before an election or after. I hate to be a doubting Thomas but history tells us politicians often vote in a different way than they truly believe as an election nears. Just this week we saw many Democratic Senators who obviously want us to pull out of Iraq voting against a fellow Democratic plan because they did not want to be viewed as weak on terror as the fall election nears. It should certainly shock no one that under the security of a non-election year votes can be swayed.

It is my hunch less than a quarter of our current Washington political class votes without considering the next election results. House members ought not to be trying to pull one over on us. Border security does not lose its importance five months from now. It would make me more comfortable if House Republicans would announce that any immigration compromise is dead now and forever as long as the Senate and President fail to prove to all of America that the border is secure first. If they do not I will spend the remainder of the summer less optimistic that politicians are not just acting like politicians. For now I will sleep with one eye open.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Cry Of The Loon …(Go Get ‘em)

History is full of LOSERS made up of men, women, and teams who can never put it all together. The Chicago Cubs are an example of a team known for decades of failure. In politics Bob Shrum would be considered a loser since he has been a campaign manager many, many times yet his candidate has never won an election. In talk radio the “LOSER list” is led by Big Eddy.

Like a gambler who never hits on the slot machine or picks the correct long shot, Ed Schultz always seems to back the wrong horse. It is habitual. Ed promotes conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory on his show with his hopes tied to eventually one coming true. He makes predictions and throws his support behind Democratic candidates like Daschle and Kerry and ends up on the losing side. His total stations have stopped at slightly over 100. It is so bad even his initials E. D. are tied to male impotency. The list is so long on failed Ed predictions that it is easier to list whent he has gotten one right….hmmm….I’ll think of something….nope….let me try a google search………..he hasn’t gotten a single prediction right.

Earlier this week when it was announced that Karl Rove would not be indicted, my thoughts quickly turned to poor Ed. I mean how often can one single man lose before it finally starts to get to him. I figured he must be thinking, “Just once can’t something I predict and want come true.” I will give him credit for actually showing up for work everyday. It can’t be easy…being wrong so often I mean. As Denny Green once said, “My hand is always on the plow.” In Big Eddies case his mouth is always on the mike. He truely must be applauded for always making lemonade out of lemons.

A gambler always thinks the next bet will be the one to get him back on the winning side, in this same manner Ed must always look ahead to the next conspiracy theory, the next election, or the next potential indictment. As another famous loser Bob Uecker once said, “I led the league in go get ’em next times”. Ed, however, even loses to Uecker because at least Uecker was a loveable loser. Ed is not loveable. Ed is … well … just a LOSER, always was, always will be. It really is his destiny and luckily in his mind he seems totally comfortable with it. As long as Durbin, Dorgan, and Daschle continue to pay him he will be happy to keep predicting.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(One Side Of The Street)

Are you an employer first then an American? Are you an employee first then an American? Are you a Republican or a Democrat first then an American? Many times in our country’s history people have faced that question. The answer had always been overwhelmingly in favor of placing country above job and/or party and sometimes even family especially in times of war. Since the Vietnam War the answer has been different.

Today many Americans place party loyalty or business before country. It is said dissent is the right of every American and I agree. Is it not also the duty and responsibility of every American citizen to celebrate and appreciate victories however large or small against those who wish to harm this country and it’s people?

Whether it is drug lords, serial killers, child molesters, or enemies of war victories are to be valued especially when earned with the loss of American lives. Each day in our neighborhoods, on our streets, and around the globe criminals are defeated because American citizens put their country ahead of putting themselves in harms way. Policemen, firemen, the National Guard, and the American soldier among others keep us safe and place their lives on the line.

It is because the steep price for safety and freedom that I could not understand the muted response of the media and the left to the killing of Al-Zarqawi. It seemed obvious to me the press should have applauded when President Bush made the announcement. It should not have mattered if you were a journalist, the owner of a company, a Democrat, a Republican, a man, a woman, an adult, or a child. American had a victory in this war. An evil human being who can do no more harm was removed from the face of the earth and all of America should have been smiling. The minimized and at times sympathetic reaction of the media and the left tells me they would not recognize a mortal enemy even if he were threatening to behead them. This past week has shown me when this war is won and parades are being held to honor the victory and our troops only one side of the street will be filled and journalists will be reporting that America is rubbing it in to the losers. It will be a stark contrast to the victory parades at the end of WWII. A time when America always came first.

Monday, June 05, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Three Things In Life)

What to do with Iran was the topic de jure last week. The United States is on a mission of diplomacy. It was announced America would be willing to hold direct discussions with Iran for the first time in many, many years. Opinions vary as to whether this was a smart move by the Bush administration. Opinion, however, does not vary much as to whether Iran poses a threat to the civilized world.

The opinions that Iran continues to get closer to nuclear weapons are based on worldwide intelligence as well as Iran’s braggadocios advertising of its desire to be a nuclear power. Iran’s desire to use this eventual nuclear ability for destruction also can be assumed since Iran itself has said it wants to wipe Israel off the map.

We again have a country in the Middle East threatening its neighbors and destabilizing the world with its radical Islamic views. Russia and China seem to have been bought off. The United States is again left to carry the burden. It will be up to the Bush administration to decide if and when military force will be needed to end this threat. I am quite certain that should war be necessary all Democrats will conveniently forget all the current evidence and near universal agreement as to the threat. They will again say Bush lied in taking us to war. As Yogi Berra once said, “it is like déjà vu all over again.” Yes, there are three things in life that are certain: death, taxes, and Democrats rewriting history.