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University A Conservative Harvest: April 2006

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Only In America)

Is the hand quicker than the eye? Can you have something you can’t see? Can one make a person disappear before your very eyes? The art of deception is a wonderful tool. Is money you earn, that you never see, really yours? The art of deception is a government strategy.

The American public is outraged over high gas prices. Each day we fill our cars/trucks with gas and get red in the face. Prices continue to soar. It pisses us off because we actually have to reach in our pockets and pay for it. The extra money spent on gas is less we have to spend on other things. I love it.

I love it because it proves how stupid we citizens really, really are. The stupidity is on many fronts. If fuel costs were taken out of your check each pay period would we still be as angry? Income taxes get taken out of our checks each time yet I never hear the outrage. As citizens we work one quarter of the year to pay our taxes yet no one rebels. Fuel prices are also full of taxes. The angst over high fuel prices proves the government knew what is was doing when it decided to take taxes out of our pay check rather than having us pay the bill out of our pocket. Imagine for a minute if it weren’t that way. The Boston tea party revolt I so crave would become a reality.

More evidence of stupidity is our naiveté over the price of gas. For some reason most people think it is a god given right to have cheap gas. Are oil companies taking advantage of the situation? I suspect somewhat. Is it our fault for the energy pickle we are in? Absolutely. Americans elected politicians who made no priority of creating an energy plan for the last thirty years. Countries like India and China are now using much more fuel. Americans drive everywhere (example thousands of miles a winter just for youth hockey). SUV’s are a staple of the roads. No refineries have been built. Nuclear power plants are a no-no. But gas prices are not supposed to rise.

Sorry! Our failure to be concerned with this issue since Carter was President is why we are where we are now. Our politicians refused to lead and sold us on the thought of cheap gas forever. We were deceived because we allowed ourselves to be deceived. These same leaders are deceiving us over social security but do we listen? Nope. Living the lie is so much easier. Keep driving, keep paying your taxes, keep allowing yourselves to be duped but for the life of me quit WHINING! We are in this situation because so many refuse to pay attention. The most conniving deception of them all is we actually write checks for fuel to the very people who want to kill us. Only in America! We expect the government to solve this problem when government IS the problem.

Monday, April 24, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Excuses For A Traitor)

As I sat down with my family on Friday night for dinner a breaking news story was discussed on the TV news. A picture of Mary McCarthy was on the screen along with the news that she had been fired from the CIA. I pointed to the picture and told my kids to memorize that face. I asked them if they had heard of Benedict Arnold and told them that McCarthy is our modern day version of him. I felt nothing but contempt for the woman.

My contempt was contrasted by excuses from talking head Democrats over the weekend. It did not matter that this woman broke her oath and nondisclosure agreement over the leaking of classified national security material. Excuses and rationalizations were spewed from every Democratic mouth. Oh, they were always certain to comment that they did not condone Mary McCarthy’s actions but they could understand why she had done so. Another opportunity for a Democrat to be intellectually honest was missed because they cannot agree with any part of the current war in Iraq.

Last week also brought the dissension of six generals who decided to force the resignation of the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Retired generals went public with their disagreements with the Secretary. Just as with Mrs. McCarthy their personal opinions were made public to the cheering of Democrats. It did not bother Democrats that tradition and oath were broken during a time of war instead it was celebrated.

The issue is and always will be whether the personal opinion of anyone working in the federal government is of our concern. This country cannot operate with federal employees leaking national security secrets because they disagree with them. Elected officials answer to the general public at the ballot box. Federal employees have a job to do whether they agree with the people giving the orders or not. Leaking information to the press based on personal feelings should outrage everyone, Democrats included. However, their lack of intellectual courage continues to be clouded with Bush hatred. Their motto continues to be “to hell with the country, Bush is the enemy”. Any party that makes excuses for a traitor should never be allowed in power. The current Democratic Party’s intellectual honesty level continues to be only ankle deep. It gets more shallow by the day.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Only Flies Left)

I don’t take pleasure on raining on people’s parades but it is something I do very well. It was brought to my attention through Scott’s blog (Time Mag Swoons Over Senator Conrad) that our esteemed Senator was named one of the America’s ten best. It took me two days to stop laughing and get my thoughts together. My initial thought was it must be a great honor to make the top ten from such an admired list of candidates (insert EXTREME sarcasm).

“Time” magazine says no one knows the federal budget like good ol’ Kent. Well, it just so happens budgets are my business as well. What is strange though is the budgets I work on have both income and expenses. When listening to Mr. Budget wizard it would seem the federal budget consists solely of the income side. The wizard constantly laments over our budget deficits and reminds everyone of the train wreck we are on because of Republican tax cuts. I will agree with the “Wiz” that budgets are so much easier when the income side is unlimited. Most of us budget types don’t get to work in that fantasy world, however.

The expense side of a budget is where the hard work takes place. It is not easy to cut costs but it is very much necessary. Conrad could not … will not name fifty programs in the federal system that are not needed. He can’t even name ten. Hell, I haven’t heard Conrad ever name a single federal program that is worth doing without. When it came to Social Security reform the “Wizard of budget land” offered no solutions other than to stick his head in the sand.

Naming Kent Conrad as one of the top ten Senator’s in America tells us how really sad the current body of Senators really is. Conrad calls himself a deficit hawk. He is a hawk that only flies left. He has spent so many years there; he is nothing more than a partisan just like all the rest. His uses of charts make pretty pictures but they lack intellectual honesty. The only top ten list he should have made was the one for the amount of smoke blown up people’s asses.

Friday, April 14, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(An Amazing Scam)

Thankfully, late last week the Senate compromise over border security fell apart. Congressional members are now on break and are home visiting their stupefied constituents. We constituents are confused because seventy percent of us want our borders closed yet our elected politicians aren’t listening. I am curious why most of our congressman (especially the Senate) can be so tone deaf on what the masses are demanding. While the following isn’t the only reason it certainly must be one of them.

An April 5th article in the “New York Times” by Eduardo Porter details a cash cow for the federal government. It is often reported illegal immigrants are paying taxes. This confused me since I could not understand how they could with fake social security Ids. To my astonishment while some illegals are paid by cash many are paid just as you and I are with taxes being deducted. Illegals offer their employers fake social security cards and immediately begin having taxes taken out of their checks. The government collects this money and becomes aware the social security number attached to this receipt is not valid. The collected money is then kept in a fund to help add to the social security surplus or eventually offset the social security shortfall.

The government will not be paying any benefits out to people who use bogus social security cards. In a manner of speaking they are taking in a contribution from the illegals. The working illegal immigrant realizes he/she will never see any of this money and has not problem with it. Paying a few taxes in the United States beats starving in Mexico.

After reading the article (read it here) I was left with conflicting thoughts. Maybe if enough illegals were allowed in we could end the social security crisis. Why stop there…if enough were allowed in to our country we could end the deficit. Reality soon stepped in and I realized the more free tax money the government receives the more it will spend. This is an amazing scam being played on all those who enter this country illegally. I am not surprised our esteemed elected leaders would take their money without giving back any benefits. I can just see it we allow these aliens to become citizens and the demand their full social security check. In the end you and I will be asked to pay that bill as well.

Friday, April 07, 2006

A Boston Tea Party …(Taking A Mulligan)

Close your eyes and repeat after me: it is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. Ok, you can open them. Darn, it is still amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. It is not amnesty. Jeez, calling something it isn’t usually works for Democrats…it is not amnesty. It is not amnesty.

Weak-kneed, spineless members of the Senate have said this mantra over and over this week. The Senate yesterday reached a compromise that breaks illegal immigrants down into groups. These groups are based on how long the individual illegal has been in this country. Basically, the illegals have been put on the “honor system”. They are expected to honestly tell us how long they have been here. Only those who have been here for less than two years are being sent back home. All others are allowed to stay but it isn’t amnesty.

This weekend is the “Masters” golf tournament. If you have ever played golf and moved your ball away from a tree or out of a divot or not taken a penalty stroke when you hit your ball into the water or not counted a short put you missed you have broken the honor system used to govern the game of golf. The Senate is expecting those people who broke the law in order to come here to work to honestly document how long they have been here. They expect more from these people than the average scratch golfer. Illegals will police themselves. Can you say RIDDEN with FRAUD. A golfer is playing a game while an illegals’s future is in the balance.

In 1986 our government gave amnesty to three million illegal aliens telling us it would stop the influx of more from entering this country. Twenty years later the Senate has decided to take another golfing no-no. The Senate is taking a mulligan. They are taking a do-over and are promising the same thing as in 1986. What they say isn’t amnesty does nothing and will do nothing to stop more illegals from coming instead it rewards them. Amnesty is bad enough but amnesty without a wall is traitorous. J.D. Hayworth, Tom Tancredo and others in the House must reject what our “country club” Senators have agreed upon. It is the only honorable thing to do.